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Quarterly Coaching Supervision: Experience Coaching Supervision Through Three Lenses


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ICF Philadelphia is thrilled to offer Quarterly Coaching Supervision: Experience Coaching Supervision Through Three Lenses as part of our 2022 Community of Practice series.  This event is being co-sponsored with the ICF New England Chapter.


A coach’s ability to show up confident, competent, creative, and compassionate for their clients depends on their capacity to review and reflect on their work. This experiential session, using a live group supervision session and dialog, aims to illustrate coaching supervision as a reflective practice helping coaches be attentive and present to themselves, their clients, and organizations as systems.


Executive and organizational coaches working with leaders, teams, and groups are immersed in complex, evolving organizational systems. This equally applies to transition and career coaches as there is always a systemic context to the coaching work. A coach’s ability to show up confident, competent, creative, and compassionate for their clients depends on their capacity to review and reflect on their work. This experiential session will use live group supervision as a reflective practice to allow coaches to process specific coaching cases and themes from their coaching work in a supportive and psychologically safe space. Being an effective systemic coach means being attentive and present with the leaders we coach and reflecting on our work through three lenses—Self (How is my coaching client’s situation affecting me?), Others (What is the quality of my client relationship and my relationship to the client organization?), and the System (What is happening within the system/s the client operates in, and what effects are being felt by the client?).


Learning Objectives:

1 - Been introduced to an integrative coaching supervision model (Tri-Lens) related to reflective practice for learning and development that builds capacity to view coaching work from a systems perspective

2 - Experimented and observed coaching supervision conversations to deepen insight and broaden awareness of how best to engage coaching clients within organizational systems

3 - Assessed their coaching work through a systemic, reflective practice 


International Coaching Federation

Philadelphia Chapter, 2020
© 2020 ICF-Philadelphia
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